React UI

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What Will You Learn?


React 18 - React Introduction Overview of frameworks, libraries for client side Web applications React introduction, Understanding “what” and “why” React React Component Demonstration using codepen Environment Setup for React Application Understanding NPM commands Using VS Code VS Code extensions for ES6, React Helloworld app in React

React 18 - React Essential Features and Syntax React App Project Directory Structure Overview of Webpack, Babel React Component Basic Create React Component Understanding JSX Limitations of JSX Working with Components and Reusing Components

React 18 - React Components, Props and State Understanding and using Props and State , Handling Events with methods, Manipulating the State, Two way data-binding, Functional (Stateless) VS Class (Stateful) Components, Parent – Child Communicationo, Dynamically rendering contents, Showing Lists, List and keys .

React 18 - React Component life cycle Updating life cycle hooks, PureComponents, React’s DOM Updating Strategy, Returning adjacent elements, Fragments

React 18 - React Component in Detailso Higher Order Components Passing unknown Props, Validating Props, Using References, React Context API, Updated LifeCycle hooks (16.3), Best practices for React Projects, Demo apps

React 18 - HTTP Requests/Ajax Calls HTTP Requests in React Introduction of Axios package, HTTP GET Request, fetching & transforming data, HTTP POST, DELETE, UPDATE, Handing Errors, Adding/Removing Interceptors, Creating/Using Axios intances, Redux, React Thunk, Difference between Thunk & other , React hooks, Application Using React & Redux ,

React 18 - React Routing Routing and SPAs Setting Up the Router Package react-router vs react-router-dom Preparing the Project For Routing Switching Between Pages, Routing-Related Props .

React 18 - HTTP and Observables Making HTTP requests with HttpClient Observable patterns and operators Error handling and retry strategies HTTP interceptors, State Management - Introduction to state management in React - NgRx store, actions, reducers, and effects - Selectors and memoization,RxJS and Advanced Observables: Delving deeper into RxJS for more advanced use cases. Working with higher-order observables and custom operators.

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Techniques to engage effectively with vulnerable children and young people.

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Industrial Software Technology experts

Akhilesh kumar Soni

Senior Java Consultant - Experience 22 years.